

About Us
Cybernet Resources is devoted to being a place where you can find new information concerning technology and the culture that surrounds it. We are not a place where you are going to find every product, software, anime, etc. review or story there is (if such a place even exists), but a place where you can read up on things you may not have heard of. Our main goal is to provide our users with interesting content that is both informative and fun to read with the intent of informing them of something that may be of interest to them. Basically, that's all we are...a place where you can find out about anime, technology, and other related topics. So, what are you waiting for? Read up ^^

Of course, an About Us page isn't complete without telling a little bit about ourselves. Would it?

Christopher Beley
He is...or should I say I? Ok then...I am Christopher Beley and am the one who started the idea of Cybernet Resources years ago. Unfortunately, CNR has not really kicked off until now. Currently, I do all of the site Maintenance, write most of the content, and try to keep things in proper order. As for more about me...you will just have to find out :-P

Ben Mitchell (AKA: Enzo Dragon)
Ben is the wonderful person who does Cybernet :: The Comic every week to bring a tint of humor or maybe confusion to your brains. Not only does he do the comics, but he also is a writer for the Tech Blurb and one of the admins for the CNR forums. He definitely deserves a lot of credit for livening up CNR.

The CNR Forum Staff
You may just know them as friendly people on the forums, but they are the guys who keep the CNR forums the way they are today. If it weren't for them you could only imagine the spam, flames, and what not on the forums. So please give a special thanks to the people below.

Air's Swordsman(Admin)
Enzo Dragon(Admin)

Special Thanks

Jeremy Valletto
Not only for helping me with various problems, but also for creating the automated Tech Blurb retrieval script (you know how the latest Tech Blurb entries are always on the front page...you can thank him for that).

Talasan Nicholson (AKA: OTL or OutThisLife)
Well, he was a major help in actually getting the new design started.  He came up with the blue color scheme along with the basic outline (which includes the HTML/CSS) for the front page.  I then took his 40 lines of CSS and added another 450 lines or so to it...but...I would have never been able to start if it weren't for him. :)

FreeWPS is the software which manages most of the content on CNR. It's simple and does exactly what I need it to do. I highly recommend everyone checking it out at http://www.ytztech.com/freewps/.

The software the makes the CNR community possible. The hard working guys at http://ww.phpbb.com definitely deserve a large round of applause for creating such great software which is used by thousands of websites.

Webinsta Mailing list manager
I can't say too much about this software at the moment, but it looks promising and I am sure (at least hope) it will keep the CNR Newsletter in line. Anyways, you may want to take a look at this software at http://www.webinsta.com/.

Symbio is an open source Perl script which provides our commenting system. Even though I found a couple of annoying flaws, they were easily fixed and I expect this software to do a very good job. Make sure you check them out at http://symbio.sourceforge.net/ .

Serendipity is the software which manages the Tech Blurb. It is a highly powerful blogging software that I highly recommend. Check it out at http://www.s9y.org/.

If the name didn't give you a clue then I don't know what else could. Anyways, phpMyChat is the software that allows us to have The Cybernet Resources Chat. So, make sure you check them out at http://phpmychat.sourceforge.net/.

We use CuteNews to provide you with the latest rantings of the CNR staff on the front page.  Great little piece of software :)  Check it out at http://cutephp.com/

We use Rash to power our CNR chat quotes system.  However, I did change a lot of it so that it would work with prettier URL's (really, there isn't one script that I haven't changed a lot...but oh well).  You can check it out at http://sourceforge.net/projects/rqms/, however I should warn you that they haven't done much of anything with it in over a year and their homepage is down.

Well, I think that is it. Thanks for reading about us and we all hope you enjoy your time at Cybernet Resources.

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