Rating: 5 out of 5
Date Reviewed: April 25, 2005
AnimeNfo is an anime fan’s ultimate resource, providing short descriptions, cast info, user comments, etc. on pretty much any anime. They may not offer full reviews, but you can quickly and easily find out about a certain anime and get some idea of how good it is from the user comments and ratings. The anime goodness doesn’t end there though, because with an AnimeNfo account you can keep track of all your favorite animes. You simply locate an anime you want to add to your list and click “add to my anime list”. You can then add comments to it and save it to your list. It’s pretty handy if you want to jot down some notes on where to get a hold of a particular anime if you aren’t going to get it immediately. One last thing I would like to say is that they also tend to have most, if not all, of the latest animes (even the ones that haven’t aired yet). However, some of the newer ones may not have full descriptions or a picture. As for finding out about all these new animes in the first place, there is a random list of the newest animes generated on the front page so you can always find a new anime. Anyways, if you are an anime fan, this is definitely a site to check out.