

Review For: Arcade!  Classic Arcade Pack
Site Link: http://www.neave.com/ 
Download Link:
Compatibility: Should work on any version of windows that has the flash plug-ins.
Date Reviewed:
March 30, 2004
Written By:  Webmaster Christopher *****

    Bang Bang...nooooo!!!!  The enemy ship just hit me with it's white dot!!!  Nooooooo!!!   Yeah!!!  Extra life!!!!  Yay!!!  I got them all!!!...Oh no!!!  More are coming!!!  Nooooo!!  They just keep coming and coming and coming and coming...

     Opps, sorry, I forgot I was writing a review and not playing a game from the free arcade game pack called Arcade!  Classic Arcade Pack.  Anyways, do you remember the good old days (well, actually I wasn't alive then, but the for the purposes of this review, pretend I was;-), when arcades used super advance technology to produce great classics such as Pac-Man, Asteroids, Snake, Space Invaders, Tetris, and the all wonderful Pong?  You don't?  Well, even through a lot of you are so stuck up with your fancy GameBoys and Xboxes...the old games can actually be a whole lot of fun...

     Out of all the games in this program, this one has to have the worst graphics.  The asteroids are just jagged white lines formed into a round circle, your ship is a moving triangle, and your bullets are little white dots.  However, who said this is a bad thing?  This is a game that is extremely addictive.  Also, for anyone who played this game as a kid, prepare to have the wonderful memories of the days when the graphics were horrible and the games were too addicting for their own good.

     Sorry to say, but for all of you hoping for the classic snake, keep looking.  For the rest of us, this is one great snake game.  Snake is where you are a snake (which looks like a caterpillar with lots of segments) who must eat the little black blobs that magically show up on the screen.  Each time you "eat" one of the little black blobs you grow bigger and bigger.  The only rules are that you can't crash into the wall, or yourself.  As for the graphics of this game, it is still the same old Snake game we know and love, but with a shiny new background, and blocks that are rounded smoothly, instead of roughly. ;-)

Space Invaders
     Well...I never really liked this game very much...the aliens keep coming and coming and coming and coming and never ever stop!  Well, since this is the original Space Invaders, don't expect much from the graphics.  As for how you play the game, you simply shoot aliens that for some odd reason just keep moving back and forth with you ship (well, the ship looks more like a block with an upright triangle on the top, but same thing...right?...LOL)

     Pong...is well...ummm...pong!  You try to score a point against your computer opponent, by making the block...I mean ball...get past the computers rectangle...I mean paddle...  Need I say more?

     Other than Snake, this is my favorite game and other than the point that this Pac-Man is pretty much the original, there really isn't too much more to say.  And if you don't know what Pac-Man is, give your X-Box to me and buy a Atari at a pond shop :-)

     Yet another game that all of you know, however this is not the original Tetris, but a remake.  The background and interface are well designed, but the sound is nothing special.  This would be one awesome Tetris game if there were music in the background.

     Before I end this review, I must also note that on all of the games, you have a chance to get on the high score list, and that for almost all of the games, you can download a flash version of the game to put on your website for free.

     In conclusion, this is a great pack of games and everyone should go ahead and download this, since it isn't that big of a download. :-)

(Last updated on 6-7-2005)

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