Armagatron was a game I wrote a review on at HERE quite a while ago, and I have decided to give it just a little more fame ;-) Also, make sure you take a look at the review I wrote and check out the Armagetron site. Maybe even send them a nice thank you E-Mail for creating the game in the first place ;-) The idea of having Armagetron on a floppy was when I was told if I could get the game to run fully off a floppy (or CD), I could have a end of the year LAN Party like thing in my computer applications class. So with my great ingenuity (and a hour or so of my time and patients) I got the Armagetron Dedicated Server 2.6 and Armagetron 2.6 to run directly off a floppy. What does this mean? It means portable LAN parties! So you can grab a box of 50 old floppies from some one for free (unlike CD's) and then give one to all your friends who are participating in your LAN party. Next make a disk for the server, run the server, tell your friends to run the game, and after a few minutes everyone is having fun in a portable LAN Party!
Now, after all this reading you are probably starting to get very impatient, because you may be thinking I am lying (because the game is a 3MB game) or you just really want to play around with it. So if you want you can just scroll down to the bottom of this page now, and start enjoying my masterpiece, however some people are going to want to know how I possibly did such a thing. In a nutshell it went as follows...
Sorry, but I will not give out the full details on actually how I did it for some undisclosed reasons. However, feel free to change it in any way or make it support other medias (maybe the old 1MB floppy or Just make sure you send me an E-Mail and tell me what you did ;-)
So here is what you have been waiting for. The ZIP files!
Armagetron On A Floppy Version 1.0 Armagetron Server On A Floppy Version 1.0 Setup
Special Thanks to for hosting the files :-) |