Review For: ArtRage
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Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP
License: Freeware
Date Reviewed: May 3, 2004
Want to paint, but don't want to spend the
money on all those expensive paint supplies? And don't forget
the mess that pastels, paints, and crayons can make!
Luckily, this is the twenty first century and we now have digital
So what does it do?
ArtRage is like having all the different kinds of art materials
such as crayons, paint, markers etc. right in front of you, but the only
difference is
now you can do it for free without the mess. To make it even
better, the program is quite easy to learn, and most people will
not even have to look at the help files (probably worth it to skim
over them through).
If you would like to see a sample of what
ArtRage can do, you can look to the left of this paragraph to see
a poorly done picture
that I drew in ArtRage. As you can
see, I am creative and am good in Adobe Photoshop...but when it
comes to painting...I'm horrible...LOL. However, if you aren't
a good painter (like me), this program could also be used to
create very neat backgrounds quickly and easily by just playing
Extra Features...
Unfortunately, I was not able to test this out, but if you have a
sketch tablet for your computer or a Tablet PC, you can draw just
as if you were drawing with pencil and paper! Additionally,
the program will "understand" pressure when you push
harder on your tablet.
The One And Only Flaw...Or Two...
First of all, this program is not going to work well on slower
computers. You see, I have a 2 Gig Hertz computer with 512
MB of RAM, and I still noticed a little delay while painting.
What I am trying to say here, is if you have a slow may
start to get a little frustrated. As for the second flaw, it
is only for Windows 2000 and XP. That means all of you
Windows 98, Me, etc. users won't be able to "get in with the
In conclusion, this is one cool program and
is definitely worth checking out. This program is so good,
that I think it could stand up to programs like Adobe Painter (it isn't
as good as Adobe Painter, but it is quite close...).