

Review For: Chicken Invaders
Date Written:
April 18, 2004
Written By:  Webmaster Christopher *****
Compatibility: Windows 95 through XP
License: Freeware
Download/Site Link: http://www.interactionstudios.com/ 

      WARNING!  If you are a vegetarian, chicken lover, etc.  Do not read this review!!!  For this game contains excessive chickens who get "fried" and turned into deep fried chicken! LOL. ;-)

     When you first start the game you discover that the evil chickens are taking over planet earth!  Luckily, we have YOU to shoot all the chickens and collect various items such as fried chicken legs, gifts with power-ups, etc.  However, what ever you do, I repeat, what ever you do, DO NOT GET HIT BY THE CHICKENS' DEADLY WHITE OVALS (also known as eggs).

Game Play
     When you first start the game, you are introduced with a little introduction which gives you some insight on the storyline of the game.  After that is over, you are able to begin playing the game.

     Playing the game is relatively simple and works a lot like the old space invaders game.  You press your space bar to shoot anything in sight, your enter key to launch missiles (that destroy pretty much everything), and you use your left and right arrow keys to move...well left and right.  It may sound simple, but it is extremely addicting and very fast paced (trust me...it's a lot better than the old space invaders game).

The Graphics

     In my opinion, the graphics are quite good and all look like they were 3D rendered.  Not really anything else to say here, since I haven't noticed any bad graphics.

The Sound

     The sound is great!  The stereo sound is very accurate in proportions to the game, and it even says it is Dolby Digital compatible.  Of course this may just be some sort of a joke, but I haven't been able to try it out yet.  As for the realism of the sound, I think it is quite good.  It isn't perfect, but you don't want too much realism in a game like this.

     The only problem I noticed was when I tried to minimize the program (by pressing the windows key), it crashed.  Other than that, however, nothing else seemed to have any problems.

     DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!!!  This is one great game, and everyone should give it a try.

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