

Site Address: http://www.8legged.com/ 
Date Reviewed: March 25, 2004
Written By:  Webmaster Christopher Beley

     What do you get when you combine a cooking show, with accident waiting to happen?  You get Tako the Octupus!

     This is truly a unique cooking show.  Now, you are probably thinking, "Cooking show!!!!  Why in the world would I want to see a cooking show?!".  Well, when it involves a funny octopus who is an accident waiting to happen, and some helpful cooking tips, it isn't all that bad.

How it works
     After a episode of Tako's cooking show has loaded, it will start.  You will notice a blank black bar on the left..  Here, every so often extra things, jokes, tips, and more will appear here.  So keep your eye on it every so often.  Additionally, you will notice another black bar at the bottom of the screen.  Here, whenever a cooking item (or maybe an item relating to the show's storyline) appears in the show itself, a little icon for it will appear in the bottom black bar.  You can then click one of the icons there and you will be brought to a page where you can buy the item.  I applaud the owner for thinking of such a clever idea ;-)

The Graphics
     The graphics are excellent in my opinion!  Everything was drawn well, and all the colors seem right.  If you want an example, it kind of looks like cell shaded art (which it partly is).

The Sound
     As with the graphics, the sound is also great!  The characters voices have good expression, and the sound effects are very good also.  The only bad thing I noticed, was that when Tako screams, it never seemed to dramatic (sorry, I'm being picky).

     In conclusion...do I really need a conclusion?  ...must...go...watch...rest...of....Tako's Cooking Shows...bye....

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