

Name: Futakoi Alternative
Licensed in US: No (If this series is ever licensed in the US, please contact me)
Series Length: 13 episodes at about 24 minutes each
Type Watched: Fansubbed
Overall Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Date Written: December 22, 2005

    Futakoi Alternative is basically about two twins, one not so great detective, and a wacky plot that seems to jump in every direction possible. Prepare to be confused during the first (and probably second) episodes, considering all you really see is complete and utter randomness with no apparent storyline. However, the storyline does eventually kick in by around episode 3, gradually telling you about the twins� mysteries of their past lives.

    After watching Futakoi Alternative after a few episodes, you may begin to notice a pattern that you have seen elsewhere. The fact that the series starts off with tons of guns, action, etc. in the first episode, along with complete and utter randomness, and then turns into a sort of mixture of romance with wacky comedy here and there, the fact that there are a ton of characters and events that you see in the opening credits that NEVER happen or appear in the actual series, and finally, the infamous ending credits done with clay models make you think of one series in particular. If you guessed 2 x 2 = Shinobuden, you guessed correctly, and further more, both those series are by the producers from UFO Table. However, just because there are a lot of similarities between 2 x 2 = Shinobuden and Futakoi Alternative, don�t mistake Futakoi Alternative for an extreme ecchi like 2 x 2 = Shinobuden. Finally, please note that Futakoi Alternative has a completely different storyline than Futakoi, using only the same characters and their basic personalities from Futakoi.

Music & Graphics
    Futakoi Alternative did not fail at all when it came to its graphics, music, and sound affects. The backgrounds were above average and the character designs were extremely well done. The music was fun to listen to and fitted with the current situations, and the sound affects gave no negative impressions. You most likely wont be disappointed with anything in this area.

More Rambling�
    Overall, this was a pretty good series, being one of the rare series that combines a decent storyline (though, sometimes it is just a little wacky), romance, and the wacky comedy that you sometimes never understand that you either lover or hate. With many interesting characters, all with unique personalities, and very well done graphical and musical aspects, Futakoi Alternative is a definite watch for fans of the random and wild comedy genre. For those of you who are not that fond of random comedy, if you liked Futakoi, you�ll most likely find the romance and �cute comedy� done well enough in Futakoi Alternative to make you just ignore the slap stick style comedy mixed in with it all.

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