

Site Address: http://www.howstuffworks.com/
Date Reviewed: March 23, 2004
Written By: Webmaster Christopher *****

Have you ever wanted to know how your alarm clock worked, or even how the akin's diet works? If so, this site may be for you...

This is one cool site! Basically, you can find out how anything and everything works from cell phones to social security numbers. Additionally, all the articles are well written and very descriptive. Finally, I must note that I have never seen a site of this type with this much content, and that this site is truly something original!

The Site Design
The site is easy to navigate, loads fast, and is not too crowded. However, in some places the ads get a little annoying, but most of the time they fit nicely into the site. The only thing that bugged me, was that on some pages I had to scroll with the horizontal bar, but otherwise the design is great.

In conclusion, if you have ever wondered how something worked, need to know something for a school project, or some other reason that I can't currently think of, you should definitely check out this site. It has hundreds of articles, so there is a high probability that you will find that how stuff works article that you want.

Extra Stuff
Webmaster Christopher's Question and Answer

Q: What is an article that you found interesting?
A: Believe it or not, I saw this article on how Social Security numbers work and I thought that was quite interesting. You can check it out HERE. Of course, all the articles on electronics were very interesting ;-)

CNR is not responsible for or approves of the content in the two above links.