Name: Mahou Sensei Negima
Licensed in US: Yes
Series Length: 26 episodes at about 24 minutes each
Type Watched: Fansubbed
Overall Rating: 9 out of 10
Date Written: December 18, 2005
Mahou Sensei Negima just became one of my favorite animes, mixing in some great
comedy for the first half of the series and then pulling off the second half of
the series with a wonderful storyline. Negi
Springfield has just graduated a magical school at the age of 10, and as his
assignment to become a Magister Magi (Great Wizaard), he is sent to an all girls
school to teach English. This, of
course, presents him with a lot of unexpected events, though the students�
first reaction towards him will probably surprise you.
What�s really great about Mahou Sensei
Negima is that there is so much character variety.
They didn�t settle for two or three main characters, but instead, a
whole crowd of characters, all with individual personalities.
Further more, many
of the characters are dynamic, even if they aren�t part of the main character
group. It just adds to the overall
interest of the whole series. Also,
the producers of Mahou Sensei Negima somehow managed to end the series with a
very intense storyline. You don�t
see this all that much with comedy animes similar to this one.
Just to give you an idea of how intense the storyline does get towards
the end, they had me almost crying during the third and second to last episodes.
To top it all off, they ended the series very well, with only a few
unanswered questions. However, they did seem to slightly rush the ending in the
last two episodes.
The graphics were definitely way above average, putting them
with some of the top graphics I have seen.
The art is very bright and colorful (especially people�s hair�.colors
of hair from every part of the rainbow�) and very well drawn.
However, the backgrounds were mainly just average, but the actual
character designs were some of the best I have seen.
There weren�t all that many sound affects, so I can�t
really say much about them, but the music was very good. The music in Mahou Sensei Negima always seemed to go very
well with the current event, and plus, the music was good enough to make me go
ahead and get a hold of the soundtracks. You
wont� be disappointed in this area.
This is one of those animes, where if you haven�t seen it, you are going to be thrown out as an anime outcast. Mahou Sensei Negima was just done extremely well, no further explanation needed.