Introduction I was a little
skeptical before playing this game. I expected bad graphics and a simple yet boring game, but
it turned out to be quite amusing but still simple. When you start the game you will have a little story about
what is happening. It
kind of goes like this…. The story starts out by plankton wanting to build all these
robots to get the, what else…the wonderful Krabby Patty, but
something goes wrong, like always. Plankton forgot to switch the switch to make the robots
listen to him! Now
all the robots are all over bikini bottom and they are scaring
away all Mr. Crabs customers, but Spongebob comes to the rescue
and so the story begins. Well my first comment about this game is that if you don’t like Spongebob DON’T BUY THIS GAME! You will not get a lot of it and you will probably not find it as cute and amusing as people who like Spongebob. So you may want to just stop reading now if you don’t like Spongebob. Ok, now lets talk about the game play now . The game play is relatively simple. You can jump by pressing A and you can shoot a bubble at
something by pressing B. When
you shoot a bubble at a robot it just paralyzes it and to kill it
you can jump on top of it, but it will be replaced almost
immediately. During
some parts
of the game you get to ride a sea horse named Mystery who will eat
almost anything. You
can press B to eat a robot, plants, etc and if you ate a robot you
can spit it out by pressing B again. I personally think the levels with Mystery in it are some
of the most fun ones:) At the beginning I said I was skeptical about the graphics
of the game and actually the graphics are quite nice. The backgrounds are always different each of the levels and
they all look very nice. The
only setback in the graphics is that the characters, like
Spongebob, seem to be poorly “drawn” you could say otherwise
the graphics are great! The music isn’t too bad either. All the music has a tropical sound and is fun to listen to,
but the music is so similar it can
get annoying. There
is, however, a way to turn down or off the music so all you hear
is the sound effects:) I didn’t turn it off,however, because
music seems to make me do better in anything and I like annoying
little tunes, but I know a lot of people don’t:( PRO’s The game is fun,
addicting, and will provide quite a few hours of playtime. Also since the game is kind of like a arcade game
you may enjoy playing it over and over again, thus, in return,
giving you some replay value:) If you love Spongebob you will probably love this game, but
make sure you read the con’s before buying this game. CON’S Well the biggest con
is that you have to remember codes to get back to your saved
games. So every time
you finish a level you
have to write down the code so you can get back where you started
(this does, however, allow you to cheat if you know the codes:). Another thing is that your scores aren’t saved so you
can’t have high scores or any of that other nice stuff:( NOTE TO GAME DEVELOPERS: Please don’t use codes to save
games! Well, in conclusion, you will probably like this game if you are a Spongebob fan, but if you aren’t, you probably won’t want to buy this game. Also, remember before you buy this that you have to write down codes on PAPER (yes, paper. That thing that no one uses anymore) to continue your game at a later time. I give this game 3 out of 5 stars. |